OSU Planning Innovations Class Proposal
This project took place September to December 2010.
During Autumn term 2010, graduate students from the Ohio State University's Knowlton School of Architecture completed development proposals as part of their course work in CRP 742, Planning Innovations.
Led by Professor Kyle Ezell, students developed creative, innovative proposals for four specific sites in unincorporated Franklin County. Students were instructed to look nationally and internationally for inspiration.
The students' final work is their development proposal, composed of three parts: A one-page infographic, a full development proposal, and a short web video.
Please note: Since the students' proposals were for their graduate coursework, they are not the product of a developer or property owner. They are purely for academic consideration and are not connected in any way with an owner, developer, occupant, lessee, lessor or anyone else with a material interest in the properties.
The highest-ranked proposals appear below.
Lennox Town Center
Lennox Square: Winning proposal by JM Rayburn
Wingate Village Apartments
ECOlumbus: Winning proposal by Dominic Marchionda
Former Franklin County Children Services site
Southwest Discovery Park: Winning proposal by Kyle May
Cleveland Heights
This is Cleveland Heights: Winning proposal by Patrick Hewitt
We appreciate the opportunity to work with the students, the university and professor Kyle Ezell.
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